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Drivers Update

1 in backup software cnet windows 7

Version: 75.58.43
Date: 08 May 2016
Filesize: 1.64 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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For all the bells and whistles you get with this backup program, we were shocked to find that it's free. Cobian Backup not only looks good, but it proved to be a very reliable and easy to use backup tool. The user interface is straightforward, and the colorful command buttons are extremely intuitive. Creating a new backup task was easy, despite all of the configuration options. Basically, all we had to do was create a name, decide what files and folders to include, and create a schedule for the backup. We opted to save important files to our USB, which worked perfectly. We were impressed by the file compression and encryption options that aren't found in many paid programs. The Options menu comes with tons of settings for more advanced file compression, password-protecting the user interface, and even changing the interface's appearance. We were able perform random backups with the click of a button, and likewise, we were able to run multiple backup tasks all at once without any problems whatsoever. Cobian Backup offers multiple help venues, including an index, a tutorial, and support forums. However, even the most novice users will be able to jump in with very little, if no, guidance. We highly recommend this program for all users.
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Thread display: Collapse / Expand 6 total posts Collapse - Re: Why not use what you have? It doesn't seem that HP still offers Simple Save for download, though.  I still have it on the original external hard drive, but if I should ever lose that, it doesn't seem that I would be able to get it back. Reply This was helpful (0) Collapse - Re: I still have it. And you are unable to copy it to a new external? That needs some explanation. Kees PS. I found a copy on a rather shady download site for this program on page 5 of a google search. But i really think your own external is a much more reliable source. Reply This was helpful (0) Back to PC Applications forum 6 total posts.

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