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Patch nba live 2007 widescreen

Version: 19.68.50
Date: 05 May 2016
Filesize: 0.849 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Navigation ( archives › 2007 › October › 28 › NBA Live 08 Resolution wide screen Fix Patch › comments ) 1 This patch will only stretch image, it won't be 'a real' widescreen resolution. Thanks anyway. › Posted on October 29, 2007, 6:40 pm 2 True, the only things that don't get stretched are the overlayed graphics like the scoreboard, etc. The FOV is probably in the camera files somewhere, but there is nothing that refers to horizontal or vertical. › Posted on October 29, 2007, 10:31 pm 3 Jup, your a 100% correct, all I did is replace the values of the resolution to the values I really want. I was hoping that EA will automatically render the FOV but they didn't, they really messed up this game and other EA games. If you guys have any ideas what or how EA could does the FOV I could attempt reverse engineering it and see if it will work out. But all this patch will do is increase the resolution where it does look nicer than a stretched lower resolution! › Posted on October 29, 2007, 10:56 pm 4 I commend your efforts, Mohamed! I ran your patch and chose the 1920x1200 option. However, when I went to play the game, I set the screen resolution to 800x600 in the system settings. I did not notice any changes that would make it look as if it was widescreen?! Do I need to change my actual WINDOWS screen resolution? Please don't think I'm crazy; I ask this because perhaps then it would look stretched. Thanks! › Posted on November 1, 2007, 3:22 pm 5 Hey there, I am usually lurking here:, where they discuss widescreen fixes/patches! Basically, what my patch does, it just changes the resolution, not the fov settings for widescreen, so I assumed Electronic Arts calculates Fo V based on the resolution size, so if you take a look at the screenshots, the resolution is quite bigger but some people say the image has.
We’re at midcourt, the ball is about to go up it’s Monday Tip- Off! Get your week started here at the NLSC with a feature that’s dedicated to opinions, commentary, and other fun stuff related to basketball video games. For some gamers, Trophies and Achievements in video games are of great importance. For the gamer who strives for 100% completion, there are few things as satisfying as the sight and sound of a notification informing them that a Trophy or Achievement has just been unlocked. It’s a concise representation that yes, you did indeed do just about everything you could with a game, and then some. And, if you’re the kind of gamer who likes to brag about such things, it’s right there in your public profile, for everyone to see. For other gamers, Trophies and Achievements are nothing but a nuisance, a meaningless aspect of modern games that are only useful to people who want to brag about ultimately useless accomplishments. You play the games because you’re interested in them, not to get some virtual pat on the back for performing some mundane task. Simply put, Trophies and Achievements aren’t something that everyone is interested in, or obsesses over. Personally, I find myself somewhere in the middle. I’m not obsessed with collecting every single Trophy or Achievement in every game I play, but I also find them to be fun goals to shoot for, when I’m looking to extend my gaming experience. Basketball video games have had some fun and interesting challenges in the form of their Trophies and Achievements, but in some cases, shooting for 100% completion becomes impossible sooner than you might expect. Servers are inevitably shut down at some point, at which point Achievements involving online play or timed content become lost forever. Read More As we now find ourselves in March, I wanted to give everyone an update on the status of the 2012/2013 rosters for NBA Live.

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